Claycreek Ranch SDT

Sept. 14-15th 2024

Herding Tests and Trials

Permission has been granted by the American Herding breed Association(AHBA), to hold the Tests and Trial under the AHBA rules and regulations. Open to all dogs of the herding breeds and multi-purpose breeds with herding background as listed in the AHBA Breeds list.

Classes offered:

Herding Trial Dog levels I II&III

Sheep, Ducks, and Cattle

Level III Sheep Saturday: ribbon pull, Sunday: shed 3 head per run

Level III Ducks: shed both days 5 head per run

Level III Cattle: shed both days 3 head per run

Herding Trial Arena Dog, Course #3

Sheep, Ducks, and Cattle

(All levels, both days-Take pen)Gate sort both days

5 head per run sheep and ducks, 3 head per run cattle.

Herding Ranch Dog(HRD I, II, & III)-Sheep Only 8 head per run

Instinct testing, Junior Herding Dog(JHD) - Sheep Only 3 head per run

Claycreek Ranch

845 220th St.

Aledo, IL. 61231

For more information contact Wendy Peters:

Judges and Judging schedule

(subject to change)

Judges- Saturday Nancy Hyser, and Wendy Peters, Aledo, IL

Sunday: Shannon Wolfe, Genoa City, WI, and Wendy Peters, Aledo, IL.

8:00 AM start time both days

Schedule- Both days HRD Sheep(III, II, I)

HTD Sheep,Cattle, Ducks (III, II, I)

HTAD Sheep, Cattle, Ducks{III, II, I)

JHD, Herding Instinct

Some classes may run at the same time with different judges.

Entries and Fees

Fees: Pre-entry $40.00 per run sheep and ducks. FEO $30.00

Gate entries 45.00

Pre-entry cattle 50.00 per run. FEO 40, Gate entry 55.00.

Pre-entries for HRD are $45 for sheep. Gate entries for HRD are $50 for sheep.

If trial fills, pre-entry runs take precedence over gate entries

Entries: Pre-entries close September 7th.

Make checks payable to: Wendy Peters

Mail entry with fee to:

Wendy Peters

845 220th St.

Aledo, IL. 61231


Sheep: Painted Desert X 200.00 value

Ducks: call/mallard crosses 25.00 value

Cattle Zebu, Longhorn crosses 1200.00 value

Any livestock seriously injured while being worked must be paid for by the participant working stock at that time.


High in Trial- Rosette Ribbon--- Reserve High in trial-Rosette Ribbon

1st through 3rd place ribbons, 1st place, herding related items, Qualifying ribbons

  1. Bitches in season may run at the end of TESTS and at any time in TRIALS.

  2. For Exhibition Only (FEO) runs are allowed at this trial, and you may run your dog in a class for
    which it has already qualified. Sanctioned runs take priority. If your run is out of control, you may be asked to end the run. FEO runs will be held immediately after the competitive runs in each class during the day. No dog running a competitive class may also be entered in an FEO run in the SAME class.

  3. A registration/tracking number is required for ALL dogs. If your dog is not registered with another organization (AKC, UKC, ASCA, ABCA, etc.), you must apply for a registration number with AHBA.

  4. All dogs must be vaccinated for rabies as required by law, vaccinated for other communicable diseases as recommended by your veterinarian, and parasite free.

  5. PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOGS. All dogs must be on leash or crated except when working.

  6. There is very little shade around the herding fields, but there is some shade around the parking
    areas. Plan accordingly. Water pools will be provided to cool your dog. (And bring yourself a

  7. Spectators and their dogs should stay back at least 15 feet from the fence around any arena or
    field where a dog is working. Under no circumstances will dogs be allowed to disturb the resting stock nor interfere with another dog's run.

  8. HTAD course #3

    The stock set-out indicated on the diagram relates to courses that begin with a gather. The location of the take pen and/or repen may vary from the location for the repen shown on the diagram, so long as it is at the same end of the arena as shown. The handler’s post is located a minimum of 100 ft. from the set-out and 6 ft. to the West of the North/South centerline of the arena. The chute is located on the West fence, with the entrance approximately 20 ft. South of the mid-point between the North and South ends of the arena, the entrance on the North and the exit on the South end. The chute should be no less than 12 feet long and no more than 4 feet wide with an opening of 8 ft. (A bridge may be substituted for the chute.) A handler’s line extends across the arena from West to East even with the North end of the chute. The panel obstacle has a 12 ft. opening and is located 20 ft. off of the North fence, parallel to the North fence and an equal distance from the East and West fences. The freestanding pen is located 30 ft. from the East fence and 30 ft. from the South fence, and should be 8-10 ft. on each side for sheep, 10-16 ft. on each side for cattle. (A trailer or a free-standing chute may be substituted for the pen.) The hold area is located approximately in the center of the arena. The area for sorts other than a gate sort is located approximately halfway between the hold area and the repen gate. For poultry, all dimensions are 1⁄2 that for hoofed stock.

    1. Gather or Take pen. Gather:

    In HTAD II, the handler may leave the dog at the handler’s post and move to a point approximately halfway between the post and the stock, then send the dog to gather the stock. In HTAD I, the handler may leave the dog at a point approximately halfway between the post and the stock and move to approximately 15 ft. from the stock, then send the dog to gather the stock. At all three levels the stock are brought to and around the handler’s post, passing just to the East of the handler’s post and

    then turning toward Obstacle 1. The gather ends when the stock have gone just past the handler’s post.

    The stock are let out into the arena and allowed to settle, or may be set out in a specific location;

    the method used is to be consistent for all runs.

    Take pen: HTAD III handlers must remain outside the pen while the dog brings out the stock. HTAD II handlers may enter the pen with the dog but should not move the stock themselves. HTAD I handlers may enter the pen and assist the dog in moving the stock. An exception is made for cattle, where the handler may go in and assist if necessary at any level. If the stock come out on their own volition without the handler or dog entering, there is no penalty. Once the gate to the take pen is opened, it may not be closed until the stock have exited. The stock are then taken to the handler’s post, passing just to the East of the handler’s post and then turning toward Obstacle 1. Scoring for the take pen ends when the stock have gone just past the handler’s post.

    2. Obstacle 1

    The stock should enter at the North opening of the obstacle and exit to the South. HTAD III handlers must remain at the opening of the obstacle until the stock have exited. HTAD II handlers may move along the wing of the obstacle but may not move past the wing until the stock have exited. HTAD I handlers may move anywhere relative to the obstacle but may not enter it. Scoring for Obstacle 1 ends when the animals have exited.

    3. Drive

    After the stock exit the chute, they are turned back toward the North along the approximate North/South centerline of the arena. Going toward Obstacle 2, they should pass just to the East of the handler’s post. HTAD III handlers must remain behind the handler’s line. HTAD II handlers may accompany the stock to a point halfway to Obstacle 2, then must remain there for the rest of the drive. HTAD I handlers may accompany the stock up to Obstacle 2. The drive ends when the stock reach a point 10 ft. in front of Obstacle 2.

    4. Obstacle 2

    The handlers remain at the designated locations while the stock are taken through the freestanding panels. While HTAD I handlers may go up to the panels, they should not precede the stock through the panels. Once the stock have gone through the panels, handlers are free to move. The stock are turned to the West and then to the South past the West end of the obstacle and onto a line that will take them fairly directly to the area in front of the pen. Scoring for Obstacle 2 ends when the stock have passed to the South of the West end of the obstacle.

    5. Obstacle 3
    The stock are penned in the freestanding pen. Scoring for the pen ends when the pen gate is closed.
    6. Hold
    The animals are taken to the hold area. The stock is settled and briefly held in place. There is no required

    position for handler or dog. The judge signals the end of the hold/settle. HTAD I and II handlers then take the stock to the repen. HTAD III handlers proceed with the sort.

    7. Sort
    The sort is done by HTAD III handlers only. The stock is moved to the designated area, which depends on

    the type of sort being done. The sort may be one of the following: (a) Gate sort. (b) Ribbon-removal/shed. The sort ends when the gate is closed on the sorted animals, or when the ribbon has been removed/ animals have been shed.

    8. Repen
    The stock are taken to the repen and held a short distance off the gate while it is opened, and then are

    repenned. When a gate sort has been used, the animals that had been left out in the arena are repenned. The run ends when the repen gate is closed after the last animal has exited the arena.


  1. Gather, Level 3 handlers gather sheep from take pen into small Arena. Handlers must stay at opening of take pen while the dog brings them out. Handler and dog team fetch sheep to gate at end of chute, and sort 5 into chute(3 for cattle), two must have ribbons. Level 3 Sheep are then moved through the chute and out into HTAD field through head gate. Handler must not walk through chute. Level 2 and 1 handlers gate sort sheep at round pen, leaving any three, and taking 5 out to HTAD field.

  2. Bridge. Handler dog team then fetches/drives sheep over bridge from the North side. Level 3 and 2 handlers must stay on the North side of bridge until sheep are over the bridge. Sheep are then taken to the HTD field and left.

  3. Fetch, Handler returns to round pen through the take pen and fetches the 3 remaining sheep

  4. Pen, The 3 sheep are taken out into the HTAD field and loaded into trailer.

  5. Gather, Handler dog team returns to HTD field and gathers sheep to gate. Level 3 handlers must stay at post near gate while dog fetches. Level two handler must leave dog at cone,but can walk halfway to sheep. Level one handler may leave dog halfway to sheep, and go to within 15 feet of sheep before sending. Sheep will be then be moved counter clockwise around handler’s post.

  6. Drive, the dog will drive sheep East through panels, then turn the sheep to the Southwest and toward the maltese cross. Level one handlers must stay at post until sheep clear panels. Level two handler may walk halfway to the panels, having dog drive the rest of the way. Level 1 handlers may walk to the panels, but must not walk through them.

  7. Maltese cross- Handler dog team must enter maltese cross from the East side opening, moving sheep completely through to the West side opening. Once through the sheep are turned to the left(South) and moved through to the North side opening. Handlers must not enter maltese cross. Sheep are taken back to hanfler’s post for ribbon pull

  8. Ribbon pull: level 3 handlers remove ribbon from one of the sheep Sheep are then returned to HTAD field

  9. Gather. Once in HTAD field, dog holds sheep near gate area while handler lets sheep out of trailer.

  10. Repen, Sheep are then joined together for repen. Repen sheep in designated take pen.

Tie breaker is maltese cross.

Time 20 minutes.